The Paradox of Beauty

Beauty is the aesthetic value we ascribe to different things. In our culture, beauty is often associated with physical attractiveness. Beauty is also commonly defined as a subjective quality of objects which makes these objects enjoyable to see. Such objects include sunsets, landscapes, beautiful humans and artistic works of art.


Although beauty is widely used and accepted in our culture, many philosophers have argued over the definition of beauty. Some have said that beauty exists in the mind of a person. Others have claimed that beauty is subjective, something that can be measured only by the senses. Still others hold that beauty exists in objects independent of any human feelings. The aim of this article is to show that beauty – regardless of whether it is subjective or objective – is valuable.

Aesthetics is about the desire to be aesthetically pleasing. What are aesthetically pleasing? There are many things people find aesthetically pleasing, objects including: food, objects made out of wood, objects shaped like animals, objects with symbolic meaning, architecture and landscape. All of these things can be categorized into aesthetically pleasing objects.

What makes an object aesthetically pleasing? First, beauty has to do with the way the object looks. An object is considered to be aesthetically pleasing if it is pleasing to the eye. Beauty has to do with proportion, line, texture and color. Additionally, beauty has to do with composition, and structure. It also has a lot to do with how well an object blends with its surroundings and with the emotions it evokes.

In order to prove the existence of beauty, one has to back up their argument with actual evidence. For example, a toothless body can be aesthetically pleasing if it is paired with healthy teeth and gums. If we observe ourselves in a mirror we would see that the teeth are not perfectly white but they are at least in proper shape. The gums are strong and there are no signs of swelling or gum infections. Thus, the body is said to be aesthetically pleasing because it possesses healthy and appropriate attributes.

Thus, all objects have qualities that make them aesthetically pleasing and these qualities exist independent of our human experiences and perspectives. We cannot say that certain objects are beauty because they look good to us. Beauty is something we learn through our culture and through experiences in our day-to-day lives. When we see objects as having beauty, then beauty is a subjective feeling, an idea that can be expressed only by the person who is viewing the object. Beauty therefore does not exist, and only ideas of beauty can be seen in the mind of a human being, and these ideas change depending on culture and time.