The Link Between Health and Wellness


The Link Between Health and Wellness

Health is a condition where disease and infirmity are totally absent. It implies a standard of well being, which includes all the factors that affect the physical, mental and emotional well being of an individual. Various definitions have also been used over the years for various purposes. According to popular use, health is the sum total of the following components:

Disease prevention is the practice of taking preventive measures against common illnesses like colds, coughs, flu and pneumonia. A well informed and socially responsible population is highly favored for the accomplishment of this goal. There are several determinants for determining health status.

The four basic determinants are age, gender, occupation, and community. These are grouped according to the contribution they make towards healthy well-being. An adolescent’s health depends on the family’s health and education. A worker’s well being is determined by the nature of his work and stress level. Mental health comprises of general health, functioning capacity, memory, behavior disorders, and disturbance of sleep and eating habits.

A person’s heath status can be affected by hereditary factors, environment, activities and food, psychological problems, and stress. According to studies, obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, and some cancers are prevalent in people of developed countries. According to recent research trends, tobacco use, depression, and suicidal tendencies have increased among middle-aged American men. However, there are several effective ways to improve the health status of a person.

Stress is the most important factor that decreases health status and results in poor mental health and physical disorders. It is evident from research findings that stress results in the development of several diseases. Stress is the main cause of ill health such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, stroke, ulcer, gastrointestinal disorders, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome. Apart from these, it causes psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, panic, mood swings, insomnia and various types of anxiety. Mental disorders are mainly associated with the role of biological, psychological and social factors. Psychological stress results in such conditions as eating disorders, substance abuse, alcoholism and drug abuse.

There is also a close link between mental health and physical illness. It is evident from studies that people who are physically ill usually become depressed. This condition is also more common in women. However, physical illness may not lead to the development of mental illness if the person has a healthy family life, appropriate socioeconomic status and no history of depression or other serious mental health disorders.