The Importance Of Managing Disease By Understanding The Complete Health And Wellness


The Importance Of Managing Disease By Understanding The Complete Health And Wellness

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition whereby “a healthy body and mind” are achieved. Various definitions have also been used over the years for diverse purposes. These definitions cover a broad spectrum from being mentally and physically healthy to being in good or very good health. There is no single definition for health, since the state of health varies from one person to another.

While it is generally agreed that good health requires a balanced and nutritious diet, the term is normally used in conjunction with physical activity. Good health also typically includes maintenance of a well-balanced emotional and physical environment, and the prevention of health-threatening illnesses. In order for an individual to be categorized as having good health, certain guidelines need to be met, such as taking in a sufficient amount of physical food and ensuring a consistent basis for physical activity.

Spiritual Wellness: Spiritual wellness covers a wide range of factors, including but not limited to belief systems, practices and beliefs. Many people fall into the trap of believing that they are spiritually healthy, when in fact their physical health is just as poor as their mental state. To become spiritually aware, individuals need to examine their thoughts and actions on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, spiritual wellness encompasses an individual’s ability to manage stress and learn to express their emotions in healthy ways. It also includes an individual’s ability to develop personal boundaries, set goals and live up to them.

The concept of wellness encompasses a person’s personal interactions with self, other people, and their physical environment. Health is influenced by genetics, environmental factors, culture, and lifestyle choices. The idea of wellness encompasses an individual’s ability to live well beyond the limitations of illness. The concepts of wellness and disease are thought to be interlinked, especially in the case of the increasing health risks and mortality rates observed in our modern society.

A complete physical and mental health defines health as a capacity to perform activities that are of logical and practical nature under given circumstances. It also defines health as a capacity to manage effectively and efficiently despite changing circumstances. It can be defined as a state of total equilibrium between mind, body and spirit. A complete mental and physical wellness enables an individual to make informed decisions about health-related matters.

The absence of physical activity, the sedentary lifestyle, the eating disorders and the unhealthy eating habits have resulted in the growing overweight rates all over the world. There are several reasons behind this epidemic. It has been found out that most individuals in developed countries spend more time in front of the television set and less time interacting with others socially. These days, one of the major threats to health and the absence of which can have drastic effects on the body is depression. This ailment, if left untreated, can lead to physical as well as psychological ailments and eventually to death.