How to Stop a Gambling Addiction


It is common for most people to indulge in gambling at some point in their lives. Gambling involves putting your money or valuables on an event that is partly determined by chance. The goal of gambling is to win, although bets cannot be returned once they are made. Many people think of casino gambling, but there are many other forms of gambling, from playing bingo to buying lottery tickets and betting on office pools. In fact, gambling is becoming more acceptable than ever, and the general population is now preferring to use gambling funds for important initiatives instead of spending it on frivolous things.

When a person becomes addicted to gambling, they cannot control their urge to play and will have to gamble more to reach their desired “high.” This leads to a vicious cycle, where a person’s urge to gamble increases, despite knowing that they should stop. This situation can have adverse effects on a person’s social, professional, and psychological life. If the individual is not aware of the consequences of their gambling habits, they may not seek treatment.

In addition to seeking help, people suffering from gambling addiction should work to strengthen their support network. This includes family and friends. If possible, make new friends outside of gambling and take up activities that don’t involve gambling. Volunteering for a worthy cause is also a good way to stay busy and active. There are also peer support groups, such as Gamblers Anonymous. If you are too embarrassed to ask for help, a former gambler can act as a sponsor and give guidance for the process.