Gambling Disorders


Whether it’s an occasional social experience or a serious disorder, gambling can have a negative impact on your life. Identifying the causes of your gambling disorder can help you start the process of recovery.

Mood disorders can be a trigger for gambling. Gambling disorder symptoms can start as early as adolescence and may continue throughout your life. Gambling can also cause a person to have problems with self-control.

Problem gambling can be treated through therapy. There are a number of therapies available to treat gambling disorders, including psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and group therapy. Some organizations also offer support to family members of problem gamblers.

Gambling disorders are diagnosed through the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association. Gambling is defined as a game of chance, where a person wagers something of value on a chance. Usually, the stake is money.

Gambling disorder is diagnosed by mental health professionals who have developed criteria to identify the disorder. Many are based on the criteria in the DSM. Some of the symptoms include frequent occurrences of gambling, lack of control over gambling, and frequent losses.

Gambling disorder can also result from trauma. This is especially true if the person was abused at an early age or has suffered a traumatic event. In addition, social inequality is another risk factor for gambling disorder.

A person suffering from gambling disorder may exhibit cognitive biases and rely on others for money. They may also lie to conceal the extent of their gambling involvement.