Gambling Disorders

Gambling involves wagering something of value on an event whose outcome is determined at least in part by chance. It can be as simple as betting on a football game or as complicated as playing a scratchcard. In some cases, players wager marbles or collectible game pieces, such as those found in Pogs and Magic: The Gathering, for stakes.

Gambling can be enjoyable and can help support local communities. However, it can also damage people’s health and relationships, lead to financial difficulties and even cause homelessness.

Some people struggle with gambling and need professional treatment to recover. Counseling and other therapies can help them recognise and think about how their gambling is harming themselves, family and friends. They can also learn new skills to manage their finances and relationships.

There is no one type of therapy that works for everyone, but many treatments are effective including cognitive behaviour therapy and psychodynamic therapy. Other options include marriage, career and credit counseling, which can help them resolve the specific issues that triggered their problem gambling.

Some people find it hard to admit that they are struggling with gambling and may try to hide their behavior. This can be dangerous, especially if their family and friends are aware of the issue. They may also start to lie about how much they gamble or hide their money. This can be a sign of an addiction. If you suspect someone is suffering from gambling disorder, take them to see a therapist or counsellor right away.