Casino – A Gambling Establishment


Casino is a gambling establishment that allows patrons to gamble and play games of chance. It is often a tourist destination, and it can generate large amounts of revenue for the local economy. Many cities and towns in California, for instance, depend on local card rooms for a substantial portion of their annual tax revenues. This income can help the town fund essential community services, avoid spending cuts or higher taxes, and provide jobs for residents.

Historically, gambling was illegal, but that did not stop it from occurring, openly and with complicity from some local authorities. When legalized casinos were introduced, they quickly became tourist attractions, drawing people from all over the United States and even other countries to places like Nevada. Over time, the legal casinos grew and expanded their operations.

These days, casinos are choosy about who they allow to gamble. They focus on high-stakes bettors, who are a source of much of their profits. These bettors are offered special inducements in the form of free spectacular entertainment, luxury transportation, free or reduced-fare hotel rooms, and other perks. The casino’s mathematical expectancy of a profit on each game is virtually assured, so it offers these special bettors much more than the average patron.

Martin Scorsese’s 1995 film Casino follows Sam “Ace” Rothstein (Robert De Niro), a mob-connected casino owner, as he attempts to live a civilized life with his money-conditional wife Ginger and his best friend Nicky Santoro (Joe Pesci). Though it is almost three hours long, this movie never lags or runs out of steam. It is a taut thriller from beginning to end.