The Definition of Casino and Its Use in English


One of the biggest concerns surrounding a new casino is the effect it will have on local unemployment. The number of unemployed individuals divided by the labor force shows whether or not the new casino will increase local employment. In urban areas, the new casinos may bring with them an assortment of skilled local labor. On the other hand, rural areas may be at a disadvantage because they may not have the same level of skilled labor. In either case, the tax revenue generated by a new casino is a welcome addition to the local economy.

While gambling is not a crime, it does encourage a high level of cheating, stealing, and scamming. Therefore, casino operators spend significant sums of money to ensure that their establishments are safe. The following examples provide a basic understanding of the definition of casino and its use. They are provided solely for educational purposes and are not intended to be taken as authoritative. While these examples are provided for informational purposes, they do not reflect the opinions of the Cambridge Dictionary or its licensors.

A casino is a public place where people can play games of chance. Often, it is associated with a tourist attraction, and may be paired with retail shops or cruise ships. Some casinos are known for live entertainment. Regardless of its origin, it is important to remember that there are other types of casinos besides casinos. These include racetracks, casinos, and even restaurants. When you think of a casino, you probably think of Las Vegas. This type of establishment was the first recognizable casino. The term “casa” comes from Italian, and can be applied to a variety of buildings.