The Basics of Poker


In the game of Poker, the players are dealt a set of cards. The first player opens the betting. If the ante is not raised yet, he or she must raise. Each player takes turns betting until all players check and fold. They may discard one to three cards or hold them. The lowest hand wins the pot. If there are no good hands, players should fold. They are not required to use all of their cards. They can bet as much as twenty cents.

The first player in the game, or “ante,” makes the first bet. The player who calls or bets more than the ante, is said to raise. If the player does not want to bet, they can check or stay in the hand. The betting interval ends when no other player checks or bets. The winner is the player who won the previous hand. Unless a player checks, he or she is a deadbeat.

In poker, players use chips. For games with more than seven players, they should supply the chips. A white chip is the lowest value of all the chips. The red chip, on the other hand, is worth ten or twenty or thirty whites. Blue chips are worth two, four, or five reds. The player will usually “buy in” by purchasing the same amount of chips. The last person to “buy in” will win the entire pot.