Health is a condition of physical, mental and emotional well-being where infirmity and disease are absent. A number of definitions have also been used over the years for medical purposes. The dictionary definition of health is being in good physical condition. There is a lot of interplay among the three components of health: psychological, physiological and social. When these components are in balance, one experiences optimal health. However, when one component is weak or overwhelmed, health declines.
The components of mental health include emotion, psychology, neurology, cognitive function and well-being. The components of the third component, social factors, refer to the interplay of internal and external social supports, support networks, and resources. Stress, anxiety and depression may cause physical illness but poor coping skills and negative attitudes about physical illness may lead to more serious consequences, such as poor self-image and increased health problems, as well as to more serious health complications.
Health affects how you think, feel and act. Poor physical health can result in lack of achievement and failure in life. It can also lead to negative emotions and feelings, such as depression, anxiety, guilt and anger. The negative impact of this kind of thinking and behavior can lead to self-destructive behavior patterns, such as alcohol and drug abuse, overeating, social isolation, risky sexual behaviors, and even suicide. In other words, a person who lacks a healthy sense of self-worth is more likely to engage in destructive and self-destructive behaviors.
The term “good health” and “well-being” are often used interchangeably, but they are different entities altogether. While there is some degree of overlap between the two concepts, good health is defined by fewer criteria than well-being. It is a state of complete physical well-being. By contrast, good health is often a product of a combination of physical well-being, psychological health and appropriate social support.
Good health, on the other hand, is an ideal that is influenced by both physical and mental health. People who are in good health have a greater emotional control and stronger coping skills than those with poor health. Those with good physical health are physically able to take care of themselves and are less likely to engage in dangerous behaviors. They also have higher energy levels, higher IQs, higher concentration and are generally happier than those with poor health. In short, a person in good health is in control of his or her own body and mind, has high energy and concentration, and is capable of living a successful, productive and happy life.
The quality of our health depends upon the quality of our relationships. The quality of our relationships determines our level of stress tolerance and the levels of the many mentally and physically debilitating diseases that we may acquire over the course of our lifetime. While everyone deserves love and compassion, people who experience abuse, poverty, domestic violence or other health conditions are at increased risk for mental illnesses and physical diseases. While it is never too late to make changes to your lifestyle to improve your health status, you do not need to wait until it is too late to make a positive change.