Factors That Lead to Gambling Addiction


While gambling has been around for thousands of years, recent developments in technology have blurred the lines of what constitutes “gambling.” Traditionally, gambling involved risking money, possessions, and the element of chance. Because of these changes, it is sometimes difficult to identify a person who may be suffering from gambling addiction. Identifying the factors that may lead to a person developing a gambling problem is the first step toward recovery.

Gambling is a destructive, addictive activity that damages individuals and families. Many people who get involved in gambling end up becoming compulsive gamblers, and it can ruin a family financially and emotionally. Despite being legal in some states, gambling has caused a significant increase in local crime rates. In Iowa, for example, the rate of compulsive gamblers increased from 1.7 to 5.4 percent after gambling was legalized.

In the United States, gambling has become a huge industry. In 2009, the legal gambling industry was worth $335 billion. Gambling can be conducted with non-monetary materials, such as marbles or collectible game pieces. In addition to cash, gambling also includes lottery-style wagering on sports events. Gamblers must ensure that they limit their betting to small amounts, and they should avoid alcohol when gambling.

While gambling is widely accepted in the United States, it is heavily regulated in many jurisdictions. Governments restrict the types of gambling and the methods used. Additionally, many jurisdictions regulate gambling on Indian land. Many jurisdictions regulate gambling through the Commerce Clause, which allows the federal government to restrict certain types of gambling.