Recognising the Signs of Problem Gambling

Gambling is a popular pastime that can be exciting and entertaining, but some people become addicted. Problem gambling causes serious harm, and it is important to recognise the signs of gambling problems and seek help.

Gamblers rely on the reward center of their brain to motivate their behavior. When they gamble, the body produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes them feel excited. This reward can make it hard for them to stop gambling, even when their losses outweigh their wins. People with problem gambling tend to have a lower level of dopamine in their brain, and they also struggle with impulsivity and the inability to control their spending.

The negative effects of gambling are many and varied. Gambling has impacts at the personal, interpersonal and societal/community levels (see figure 1). In terms of personal impact, gambling can cause problems such as debts building up to the point where bills aren’t paid, credit cards maxed out, and people start to borrow or steal from family members, employers or lenders.

To combat problem gambling, you can try to reduce your access to money by getting rid of credit cards and putting someone else in charge of your finances, closing online betting accounts, only carrying a small amount of cash on you and avoiding gambling venues. You can also start to socialise in other ways, find a new hobby and set goals to change your behaviours. You might also find support from family and friends, peer groups or professional counsellors.