Daily Archives: September 13, 2021

Does Beauty Justify the Gamble?


Does Beauty Justify the Gamble?

Beauty is widely defined as a psychological quality of things which makes these things aesthetically pleasurable to see. Such things as sunsets, beautiful people, landscapes and other works of artwork are considered to be beauty. It has been postulated by many scholars that beauty is largely social, as most of us do not feel good if we do not possess a beautiful appearance. In fact, in many societies across the world women have been hunting men for physical attributes which make them desirable. Without beauty in our lives we become weak, vulnerable and unattractive.

So how do we determine what is beauty and what is not? Many have thought that beauty consists of certain bodily traits or appearances, such as long healthy hair, fair skin, attractive eyes, a shapely figure and so on. Others have looked at beauty from the psychological angle, focusing on the individual’s sense of self-worth and emotional fulfillment. Under this theory beauty includes ones inner values and attitudes towards life.

Most people would agree that beauty is indeed subjective and personal. What you think is beauty is really up to you. It is up to you to decide what beauty is to you and to live your life according to your own standards of beauty. Beauty has been the theme of many poems, stories and biographies, as well as the basis for some of the most important philosophies of the world. Philosophy talks about beauty as a way of looking at the world, finding meaning in the world and evaluating the human condition and purpose in life.

To sum it up, beauty is the subjective state of an object or an experience that can be measured and evaluated. It is something which we are attracted to as well as something that we attempt to attain. Beauty can be considered to be both an inner and an outer trait, an internal state and an external trait. For many, beauty encompasses both, being subjective and internal while for others it is an external trait. A beauty theme can be seen in nature, in work, in literature, in art, and in films. Beauty is not only seen in nature but can also be found in the work and in the media.

The word beauty comes from the Greek word ‘gauros’ which means beauty or the beautiful. The word ‘arte’ means being beautiful, attractive or lovely. The idea that there are many types of beauty, especially that beauty encompasses various aspects of human physical being and emotion. Beauty has been used throughout history, from the ancient Greeks having their ideal beauty encapsulated in the ideal of Aphrodite, to modern artists such as impressionism showing the effects of beauty on the human face, and in nature with such creatures as the coral tree showing how the light affects its appearance.

According to some philosophers beauty is nothing more than an aesthetic sense and the object of beauty depends entirely on the observer, for example a beautiful piece of architecture would be defined as one that appeals to the eye. However, some think that beauty is subjective and dependent on what the person viewing the object can relate to or imagine themselves to be. In this way beauty can be subjective and is not necessarily dependent on anything. However it is said beauty is based on our personal and subjective experiences of beauty, so it can change depending on how we feel about the beauty.