10 Warning Signs of Compulsive Gambling

Gambling is the risking of something of value (including money, property, or personal relationships) upon an event whose outcome is largely determined by chance. It is a common activity that has been a part of most societies since prerecorded history and has been incorporated into many customs, rites, and social gatherings.

The most common way that people gamble is by placing a bet, i.e. putting money on a team to win a football match or purchasing a scratchcard. The amount of money placed is matched to ‘odds’, which are a number, i.e. 5/1 or 2/1, that determines how much the bettor can win if they have success.

Most adults and adolescents engage in some form of gambling without problems, but a small subset develops a gambling disorder that significantly interferes with their life. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition, there are 10 warning signs of compulsive gambling that include:

Many people start to gamble for coping reasons – it’s an easy way to relieve boredom or loneliness, to think about what they could do with a large sum of money, or as a way to socialise with friends. However, if someone has developed a gambling addiction it can damage their health, strain or break relationships and cause financial loss. Overcoming a gambling addiction is a difficult process and there are a range of treatments available to help someone stop.